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Wilf Elliott

Wilf was a highly respected and popular Member of many societies including Probus and the Freemasons. He loved his life and work in Sunderland, Teesside and North Yorkshire. Wilf’s passions were cycling, jazz and wine but not always together.

3rd April 1941 – 21st February 2024

Gary Turner

Gary had lived overseas in Europe, Africa and the Far East. He served in the Army for 20 years followed by 20 years as Personnel Manager and Consultant with ICI.
Garry was a member and keen supporter of The Durham Light Infantry Association.
Garry was interested in Current affairs and the Countryside.
He had been a member of  Stokesley since 2010 and resigned in 2019 due to ill-health.

  23rd May 1931 - 19th July 2024

Brian Cooper Nichols

Brian was a man of many interests including skiing and mountain rescue.

He was a Branch Manager in Salford for the NatWest.

Brian lived in Hutton Rudby  with wife Gill.

He joined Probus on 16th October 2007.

11th October 1930 - 10th September 2024

Eddie Moore

Eddie was a colourful character, a teacher, a family man, a humorist, a lover of literature, a horticulturist, a bridge player.

A lover of life

17th January 1936 - 22nd November 2024